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An Integrated
Group of Environmental
Service Companies


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Every Drop Counts

EDC Environmental Group of Companies inc. (‘EDC’) is the parent investment company of an integrated and growing group of environmental service companies, founded on the principle of Every Drop Counts. We deploy sustainable environmental technologies and know-how for our customers which improve their environmental performance and operations.  We assist our customers to make incremental, meaningful and cost-effective change to drive environmentally sustainable operations.  We invite you to have a look at the capabilities of our group and let us know how we can assist.

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BlueWater Resources

BlueWater Resources is a 24/7 merchant pre-treatment water facility with advanced treatment capabilities. Located in Wasco, California, we serve the oil and gas community in the Central Valley. BlueWater uses leading technology, methods and know-how to cost-effectively manage a wide variety of complex, produced water.
Clean Industrial Technologies inc.

Clean Industrial Technologies (“CLEAN”) is our water filtration company, managing and recovering industrial wastewater in a number of industries including oil and gas, mining and pulp and paper. By reducing and reusing water in industrial services, we are doing our part to manage the world’s most valuable resource.

Claytech Services inc.

Claytech Services Inc. provides world leading natural and engineered clay products and processes to remove emulsified oils, heavy metals, suspended solids, and other industrial contaminants from water and contaminated soils. By effectively managing waste streams, we are improving industries’ economics, operations, and environmental performance.

International Water Advisors Inc.

1.Water treatment system and process design
2. Technology evaluation and procurement
3. Treatment System evaluation
4. Treatment System optimization
5. Chemical Treatment optimization
6. Water compatibility for fracking/disposal/discharge
7.Environmental water compatibility
8. Complex water evaluation
9. Water reuse
10. Water business optimization
11. Field-level water assessments
12. Water availability analysis